Just spent a very pleasant hour browsing this fantastic site - http://www.billyfury.com/ - packed with info on the UK Rock and Roll legend whose music was, and still is, very popular in the North East.
It is believed to be the biggest web site in the world devoted to a single singer.
Isn't it wonderful to know that Billy's name and career are being kept alive by such dedicated folks.
Isn't it wonderful to know that Billy's name and career are being kept alive by such dedicated folks.
One of the interesting things I found there was a reference to our own Tyneside group The Gamblers who were Billy's backing group for a while during the mid-Sixties. Harry, who runs the site, has generously given permission for the detail to be copied on to the Gamblers page on to our Vintage Sixties Live web site here, but I would strongly recommend a visit (or three) to Billy's own site so it can be viewed in context.
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Hey there
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