Continuing the international flavour of our blogs these days, I received this pic recently from Bojan, who lives in Serbia.
Taken in 1964, it features Belgrade group Samonikli. Bojan is the good looking guy at the bottom. The lead and rhythm guitarists both used Eko 700 guitars as seen in the pics.
Bojan has also kindly allowed me to publish an audio file which demonstrates what a fantastic sound they had.
The recording was made in a professional Belgrade studio at around the same time. The song is an old Russian song called "Lonely Accordion" which they updated and called "Lonely Guitar".

Bojan is een fantastisch gitaar player en ondanks dat dit is een oud track Ik zou graag nog veel meer van dit music willen horen....
For those who do not have my command of foreign languages, here is a translation (care of Google)
"Bojan is a fantastic guitar player, and even though this is an old track I would like much more of this music to hear ...."
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